June 5, 2024 (5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Europe/Berlin)
Discover the power of Eco Open Houses in spreading inspiration and fostering sustainable communities.
Led by Pauline, this webinar offers invaluable insights and strategies to support people in being able to organize and host Eco Open Houses and contribute to resilient communities.\
Learn practical tips to host an Eco Open House in your local community to enable more people to share and learn sustainable practices. Explore firsthand accounts and reactions from participants, and understand the importance of feedback in driving sustainable change.
More info: [https://practise.transitionmovement.org/eco-open-houses](https://practise.transitionmovement.org/eco-open-houses) \
Registration: [https://events.transitionmovement.org/practise/eco-openhouses](https://events.transitionmovement.org/practise/eco-openhouses)