_Welcome_ to the Practising Transition space \
This is the home of our community, the space for us to exchange ideas, resources, and stories. Here we can have follow up conversations about the Practices published on the [Practising Transition website](https://practise.transitionmovement.org), make suggestions for future practices we would like to see, or just to celebrate and share our learning and development.
1. Make sure you [SignUp for the Practising newsletter](https://practise.transitionmovement.org/membership/).
2. [Check out the published practices](https://practise.transitionmovement.org) (and comment on them) and [What is a Practice of Change](https://practise.transitionmovement.org/what-is-a-transition-practice/).
3. [Attend the events](https://practise.transitionmovement.org/events/) (there is at least 1 per practice).
4. Learn more about the [Transition characteristics](https://practise.transitionmovement.org/characteristics/). (Each practice is tagged with a characteristcs. By clicking on a tag you can see the other practices that relate to this characteristic).